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*વિશેષ દિન કવિઝ* શિક્ષકો, વિદ્યાર્થીઓ, અને દરેક વ્યક્તિ આ કવિઝ આપી શકે છે.

Sriganesha is the statement of Vandana and Archana

 In the culture of Indian culture, for the success of a work, it has been a tradition to worship first the Mangala Charan or then the revered deities.  The first thing to do in order to complete a task smoothly and smoothly is the statement of worship and adoration of Sriganesha.  Therefore, in Sanatan Dharma, first of all, the work begins with the worship of Sriganesha.

 Shri Ganesh Puja is very important and beneficial.  Whether it is for the success of a task or for the fulfillment of a wish, for the sake of a woman, a son, a grandson, a solid, for prosperity, or for the relief of a sudden crisis.  This means that sometimes when a person fears an evil or has to endure various physical or financial hardships, he should fast, adore and worship Sriganapati Prabhu and Shiva's family with faith and trust with the help of a suitable and learned Brahmin.

 Fast of Sriganesha Chaturthi (Shri Ganesh Katha)

 Sriganesha Chaturthi fast which is also celebrated in the name of Sriganesha Chaturthi, Patthar Choth and Kalank Choth.  This is celebrated every year in the form of Shukla Chaturthi of the month of Bhadarva.  Due to the decay of the third date, this fast will be performed on the second day.  Shri Ganapati was born on Chaturthi Tithi.

 It is said that Lord Shiva went to a place called Bhimbali from the Himalayas for bathing.  In this direction, Parvati made an idol out of her Ubatan, revered it, named it Ganesha and placed it outside the cave.  After a while Lord Shankara came and stopped him from going inside.  So Lord Shankara got angry and cut off Ganesha's head.  Parvati was amazed to see Shiva in front of her.

આ પણ જુઓ

શાકભાજી ના નામ શોધવા ની રમત  :-  અહિ ક્લિક કરો

કહેવત બનાવવા ની રમત:- અહીં ક્લિક કરો

શબ્દ  બનાવવા ની રમત:- અહીં ક્લિક કરો

ધોરણ - 1 થી 8 ની કવિતા સાંભળો:- અહીં ક્લિક કરો

અંગ્રેજી શીખો રમત દ્વારા:- અહીં ક્લિક કરો

1 થી 8 ના બાળકો માટે શૈક્ષણિક ગેમ:- અહીં ક્લિક કરો

3 થી 5 માટે અંગ્રેજી માટીરીયલ્સ:-અહીં ક્લિક કરો

6 થી 8 માટે અંગ્રેજી માટીરીયલ્સ:-અહીં ક્લિક કરો


When Shiva told the whole story, Parvati started crying and said that he was my son.  Now you save my son by making a cameo.  Lord Shankara fell into a dilemma, this is an act against nature, but the persistence of mother Parvati.  Exactly at the same time an elephant was born.  Shankarji cut off the head of the baby elephant and tied it to Ganesha.  Thus Ganesha was reborn.

 The incident took place on Bhadarwani Shukla Chaturthi.  Therefore, it is important to start Ganesha's fast from this day.  By doing this vow, intellect is developed, all troubles are removed and happiness and prosperity come.

 How is Ganeshji's family?

 1) There has been some material understanding about Ganesha's family.

 Durga has two sons named Ganesh and Kartikeya and two daughters Lakshmi and Saraswati.  Durga is the earth.  Which had to be plowed to give prosperity and Lakshmi to man.  Kartikeya was needed to protect the plowed earth.  To cultivate it, knowledge comes from Saraswati and Ganesha keeps track of the prosperity that has arisen.  

Like Ganesha, Kartikeya was born differently outside his mother's body.  The gods did not want Kartikeya to assume power as a fetus so he interrupted the love affair between Shiva and Parvati.  So Shiva's semen ejaculated outside.  It was nurtured by Lord Agni, Vayu, Ganga, Sarvana, the lord of the forest and Kritrika Nakshatra, a group of six stars  The process of creation of Ganesha by Shakti was completed by Shiva while the process of creation of Kartikeya by Shiva was completed by Shakti.  Ganesha bestows prosperity while Kartikeya protects.


 In short, Uma, who wanted to bathe in a lake, created a boy out of a plant to guard the lake.  Shivaji believed that the boy wanted to harass Uma so he cut off his head from his torso.  Uma cried and told the fact that if you revive this child, I will give you seven children who will be your sons.  Shivaji revived the child by placing the head of an elephant which became known as Vinayak.  Uma then produced seven children.  Shivaji hugged him but could only hug him.  The seventh child ran away.  Six children became one.  Who became Lord Muruga in battle who has six heads.  Thus Shiva and Uma had two sons Vinayak and Muruga.


 There is a story about Varahi in Tibetan literature.  It tells the story of how Shivaji's wife created a son.  Out of jealousy, Shivaji's second wife Uma beheads the child and then Shivaji resurrects him with the head of an elephant.  

According to the Padmapuran, Goddess Parvati removes the back of turmeric from her body and creates a doll out of it and throws it into the Ganges from which the child is revived.  All the gods think that the child belongs to Ganga but Parvati considers it her own.  According to Jayadratha's Haricharitra Chintamani, while Shakti was bathing, her guard with an elephant's head drank the water and became pregnant.  She gave birth to a baby elephant with five heads.  Shiva cut off his four heads and Shakta accepted him as his son.  Thus it is understood why Ganesh Dwimata is known.


 There are many stories that show the wisdom of Ganesha.  According to legend, Narde asked Shivaji's two sons, Ganesh and Karthik, to perform three orbits of the earth quickly and promised to carry the one who completes the first orbit.  When Kartikeya completed the third parikrama, Ganesh performed the parikrama of his parents and declared that he had won. 

 When Kartikeya asked how, Ganesh said, "You orbited the outside world, I orbited my world."  Narde gave a carry to Ganesha.  Disagreeing Kartikeya moved south.  In Tamil Nadu Kartikeya is famous as Muruga.  Ganesha also causes Muruga's marriage to Valli.  Muruga Bhil fell in love with Kanya Valli.  But Valli did not pay attention despite his best efforts.  Muruga remembered Ganesha.  Ganesha entered the field in the form of a wild elephant.  Valli got scared and Muruga protected Valli and took water.

આ પણ જુઓ


What Skills Knowledge & Experiences Are Needed to Become a Teacher?

Instructing a classroom of energetic young people requires patience, dedi ation and and an engaging lesson plan to hold their attention. Teaching is an especially rewarding profession for those who want to help students reach their potential. Before you decide to embark on this career path, it's worthwhile to do a self assessment to determine whether you have the stamina and dedication to teach daily lessons and manage classroom discipline.

Strong Communication Skills

Teachers need a variety of skills, education and training to become proficient in their careers. They need excellent communication skills so they can explain the material in the curriculum in diverse ways to students who have different learning styles. They also need superior interpersonal skills, such as patience and the ability to remain calm in stressful situations. Collaborative skills enable them to work productively with their colleagues. Creativity and presentation skills are important when planning lessons to motivate students and hold their interest. As schools become more technologically advanced, teachers also need basic technological skills for audio-visual presentations and for reporting and taking attendance electronically.

Knowledge of the Subject

It is essential for teachers to have a strong grasp of the material they are teaching. Elementary school teachers must have content mastery in basic math, literacy, social studies and science. High school teachers, who usually specialize in only one or two subject areas, must have a thorough knowledge and understanding of their area of specialty. Teachers also need to know how children learn. They need to know the expectations in development for children of different ages. Skills of a teacher also include proficiency in teaching strategies and disciplinary techniques.

Personal Experiences

Most teachers are initially drawn to the profession due to positive learning experiences they had early in their lives. There might be a favorite teacher who was instrumental in helping them fulfill their full potential or any opportunity they had to teach something to someone, such as a younger sibling learning to ride a bicycle or a friend needing help with homework. Such experiences help aspiring teachers understand the dynamics of transmitting information from teacher to learner. Other experiences, such as being a camp counselor, scout leader or sports coach also contribute to increased awareness of how to interact with youngsters and how to motivate and inspire them.

Professional Experiences

An essential component of teachers' college programs is practice teaching. These practicum placements should occur early in the teacher preparation program. It is only by preparing lessons and delivering them that teachers can determine which methods they are most comfortable with and which ones are more likely to ensure student success. Teachers need to be lifelong learners and take advantage of the many professional development opportunities that are available for them to expand their repertoire of teaching strategies. Throughout their careers, excellent teachers constantly adjust and adapt their approach as they reflect on their past experiences and improve upon them.

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