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There were also representatives of India in many important international organizations related to disarmament. Doctor . Vikram Sarabhai was a member of the International Council of Scientific Union in 1966. In 1968, he became the head of the science department of UNESCO in the United Nations. He was made the head of the 'Indian Geological Union'. Doctor .
Vikram Sarabhai became the head of the 14th Council of the Vienna Peace International Atomic Forum in 1970. In 1971, he was made the Vice-President of the United Nations Council and later the head of the Department of Science.
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He was not only a scientist of a high order, but in spite of his busyness, he used to take out enough time for art, education and society. Due to his efforts, Lok Vigyan Kendra and Nehru Development Institute were established in Ahmedabad, here he continued to work to awaken the interest of the general public towards science.
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That was the black date of 21 December 1971, Dr. Vikram Sarabhai was sent to Thumba, the launching station in Trivandrum, for work inspection. There he was staying in a hotel. It was here that he died of heart failure. With his death, a life cycle adding new dimensions to science came to a halt forever. Salute to such a great talent. " 35 Hindi ( Second Language ) Dr. Vikram Sarabhai
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