Education for Every




Teacher Sanjata Survey - 2021 Baba, according to the above subject and context to state that the primary teachers of government primary school? Teacher Preparation Survey for Std. 1 to 8 Teachers, Std. 6 to 8 Teachers, HTAT Principals, CRC - BRC) Dt. Scheduled for 11/08/2021 from 1.00 pm to 3:00 pm, the number of districts and taluka wise included in the survey and the information of the required survey centers have been emailed to you.

 If any of these buildings need to be canceled or added as required, the information of the final centers for the final survey from your level as per the format attached herewith. 30/07/2021 Request to send the office here in Excel format by 12:00 noon. In addition to the number of blocks shown in front of that taluka, 10% additional block will have to be given. Statistics in English and other details are requested to be sent in Gujarati Shruti Fontam

Informing the research on the above subject, the Hon'ble Governor in the presence of Hon'ble Minister of Education on 9/08/2071 in the current situation of covid-19 to the educational and non-academic staff of all the primary, secondary and higher secondary schools in the state through Bayseg. Addressed from the program. 
Hon'ble Governor and Hon'ble Minister (Education) has given guidance to all the school families in the state to help the society in the current situation of covid-19. In this critical time of epidemic, if the people of the state get the right understanding and remedial action to prevent the transmission of corona through students and parents, strictly implement the guidelines issued by the government starting from family to school and through students and their parents.

 Hon'ble Governor and Hon'ble Minister for Education said that if the various steps taken by the government in this regard are informed, it will have a positive impact on the people of the society. Her research is requested to see that the following steps are taken by all school family.

 Oath ITE Lesson d 24-2011 ANSWEwp - 19– Giving public opinion feedback by all school staff in the state in the field of education - cc Steps to be taken by the Newton school family: In the current situation, doctors, paramedics working as frontline warriors Give warmth to the families of Frontline warriors who are contributing to the society day and night without worrying about their families, police department, cleaners, 108, Dhanwantari Rath and other ambulance staff. Public education by students through telephone and webinar

According to the proposal made from the single file of the office of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, the celebration of the 150th birth anniversary of the Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi will come to an end on 2nd October. At the same time, in the second phase of Swachh Bharat Mission started by Hon'ble Prime Minister, a campaign has been launched to build a "single use plastic free" society.

 At such a time, it seems necessary to implement a new project at the school level to cultivate the environmentalist ideas of Pujya Bapu and to create environmental awareness among the students studying in the schools through education. The state has a computer laboratory for commuter education and a STEM Lab for science-mathematics education.

 Similarly, the matter of starting "Environmental Experiment Schools" in all primary and secondary schools in the state was under active consideration of the Government. Resolves; The celebration of the 150th birth anniversary of the Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhiji will come to an end on October 2 at the end of adult thinking.


 At the same time, in the second phase of the Swachh Bharat Mission launched by the Prime Minister, a campaign has been launched to build a "single use plastic free" society. At such a time to inculcate the environmentalist ideas of Pujya Bapu and to create an environmental awareness program among the students studying in the schools through education, to implement an innovative project at the school level in all the primary and secondary schools in the state.

 In the same way that the state has a commuter laboratory for computer education and a laboratory for science-mathematics education (STEM Lab), it has become imperative to provide environment laboratory facilities for environmental education so that students can understand the environment more effectively. Eco Clubs are currently being set up in all the schools in the state to accelerate environmental activities.

 There is a need to start 'Environment Labs' in every school to make the Eco Club more effective, speed up its activities and encourage environmental education. Seems to be.


Most of the students studying in the state schools come from families associated with the dairy and animal husbandry sector besides agriculture and in the future they are likely to make a living by contributing to the sector.  Only then will it be possible.  Therefore, if these students become familiar with Organic and Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF) and they learn about high quality farming while preserving the environment, it will also be a priority in the environmental laboratory.

  Understanding the importance of Organic and Zero Budget Niti Farming (ZBNF) (agricultural concept) will make students aware of the adverse effects of chemical fertilizers and pesticides on the environment and avoid their future use and inspire others. 

 To make all these things fruitful in schools, cultivation of seedlings and horticultural crops in schools, drip irrigation, rainwater harvesting, making and use of organic manure, kitchen garden, terrace garden, rooftop farming, herbal farming, single use water,  It is very important that projects like Water Conservation and Hydroponics be set up on a small scale at the school level. In primary and secondary education, various environmental projects are suggested in environment, science, social sciences and other subjects.  It is very important to provide an environment that can be done in the school itself.



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āŠĪા. 24/8/2021 āŠķાāŠģા  āŠļāŠŪāŠŊ āŠŽાāŠŽāŠĪ 

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8:30 pm


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