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Sleep Doesn't Come From Busy Routines And Stress? Do these 10 yogasanas every day and get a good night’s sleep

 Insomnia Problems: Sleep Doesn't Come From Busy Routines And Stress?  Do these 10 yogasanas every day and get a good night’s sleep

 A study found that 37% of people in China suffer from insomnia. Avoid strenuous exercise before going to sleep.

 In today's busy schedule, it is very important for every man to get a good night's sleep.  But we cannot get good and healthy sleep because of running every day.  The number of people suffering from insomnia is increasing in the world.  A June study by Sleep Medicine found that 37% of people in China suffer from insomnia.  Many studies have found that exercising can reduce sleep time.  Waking up late at night can also be avoided.  Sleep time can also be increased through exercise.

However, experts believe that one should avoid doing exercises that require more strength before going to sleep.  Stretching and yoga increase the quality of sleep.  It gives us a good night's sleep.

 With these 10 exercises / yoga we can feel calm and stress free before going to bed.

 1. Gomukhasan

 In this asana, keep the waist high, turn the throat and take deep breaths.  Doing so will bring peace of mind and body.  Come to the position of table top on the floor.  Bring the hands under the shoulders and keep the knees below the hips.  Inhale, bring the waist down and the chest forward.  This asana reduces stress.

 2. Balasan

 First let the carpet or mat bed in clean air.  Sit in Vajrasana posture with your feet facing the sun.  Then raise both your hands while inhaling, while bending forward while exhaling.  Do this exercise until your palm touches the ground.

 3. Needle-thread seat

 By doing this asana we can get rid of shoulder fatigue and body aches.  For this, first come to the table position and bring the wrists below the knees and shoulders.  Inhale and move your right hand upwards and then try to move your face away from your body.  Exhale and bring the right hand under the chest, supporting the shoulders to the ground.  Move the right palm upwards and try to bring the right cheek to the ground.  Place the left palm on the ground and hold the breath for 5 times.

4. The wilderness seems

 to open the muscles of the legs from this exercise. Move your left foot backwards, turn the knees with another foot. Take out the fingers of the foot. Take your pelvic to the following, then pick up your shoulders and take the upper part of your body and create a partner (which looks like a semi-moon)

5. Massage the ball from the ball, 

you can get rid of throat pain. This makes a lot of difference in sleep. Keep your head down to your head and get a thin pillow. Keep a little space between throat and allators and then keep a ball in it. Try that the ball does not exit. Miley down your throat lightly and left. Directly make the head and try to roll your throat on the ball to the throat. 

6. Beer Hugs and Snow Angle 

We can overcome our chests, waist and shoulder stress by these two exercises. The problem of getting up and sitting is also reduced. To sit down the waist, and keep two balls between the shoulder, keep your knees and keep the foot on the ground. After doing this, keep your head on the ground and breathe and leave 4 to 5 times in the same position.

7. Keeping Asana (Pigeon Meditation)

 gets peace of mind from Keeping Asana. This can feel more mind in work from the asana and do any work well. For the first to sit in Vajrasan or to sit in the wobbase for the Keepen posture). Break in Vajrasan and you breathe deep and keep both of your hands back and closer to the waist. Keep the two hands on the legs of the feet and sit in the ugly. After that your dock, and slowly go back to the back of the waist. Then try to take both of your hands to the ground behind the foot. 

8. Spinal Twist 

can stretch the hips and waist from this exercise. Keep the two legs away from each other and then take the closest to each other. Make the right knee to bring to the chest. Stop the time as much as you can to breathe as much as possible. Then take the right knee down and twist a little towards the left foot. Take the look right and left side after doing so. Breathe 5 to 10 times while doing so.

9. Displaying Asana 

can be rid of trouble-like ham-string from this asana. To sleep on the back to this asana. Keep both hands and feet straight on the ground. Now take both legs slowly and keep the upper part of the body only on the ground. Keep both legs tall up to 90 degrees. Can keep the hips down to the hips for comfort. Then stay at least 5 minutes in this position by closing the eye. 

10. Box Breath 

is a very effective technique. It's also simple. Most of these go to Sui. The back burns keep both of your hands on the waist. Close the eyes and take a deep breath with the nose 4 times and leave out. Do this process 4 to 5 times.



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