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Director of Primary Education Shri, G.R. Gandhinagar Letter No .: Prasini / Policy / Teacher Establishment / 1/2020 / 214-2, Dt-08  / 11/2020.  Pursuant to the above subject, to state that the Government has implemented the norms for determining the teaching force for primary and upper primary schools in accordance with the Resolution No.: PRE / 19010/203 /, dated 07/09/2010 of the Education Department of the Government.  According to which the Director of Primary Education Shri, Gu.Ra.  The establishment of primary teachers of the district has been approved from the reference letter of Gandhinagar.  As per the terms and conditions of the Education Department Resolution No.: PRE / 112013/2105/2 (Part-1), dated 7/10/2050 to 19/06/2017, in accordance with the provision made in Rule 3 of Chapter B  Stated to approve.  According to which, out of the schools which are running Std. 1 to 8, the schools which have less than 50 students in Std. 9 will have to close Std. 6 class and the schools which have more than 50 students in Std. 6 will have to close Std.  Comic classes of 9 will have to be started.  Also, out of the schools which are running Std. 1 to 8, the schools which have less than 50 students in Std. 6 and 8 will have to close Std. 6 and 8 classes and in the schools which have more than 50 students in Std.  Gradual class of standard 8 will have to be started.  Thus, as per the above provision, the schools in your taluka as per the list attached to this RTE.  Considering the provisions of the Act-2006, it is advisable to send an opinion by 31/11/2050 on whether it is eligible to be discontinued or continued so as to avoid delay in proceeding with setup approval.

Taking the aforesaid reading - taking into account the provisions of 1 and 2 and reading - taking into account the proposal received from the number of children in the primary school std.  

Less than 30 in 8 and Std.  8 and std.  If the number of students in standard 9 is less than 50, then the standard of primary school is 8.  8 as well as std.  Provision has been made by the resolution regarding the merging of classes 3 and 4 in the nearest primary school.  Considering the provisions of the reference resolution, primary school children should be educated in a school with more facilities and close subject teachers as well as the skills and services of the teachers on duty in this school can be utilized to the maximum.  In order to get the opportunity, the primary schools as per the appendix are subject to the following conditions in the school with their nearest facility.  8 and std.  It is therefore ordered to merge 9th and 9th standard classes.  

1) The principal of the merging school will be responsible for enrolling the children of this school in the nearest and revenue village school.  

2) The school principal should take care that no child is dropped out.  2) If there is a need for transportation for merging school children, then according to the prescribed pattern, CRC.  / B.R.C.  Will have to be proposed through.  

3) Std.  9K std.  The teachers of the primary department of the school merging 8 and Std. 8 will have to keep such teachers present in the killing camp on the basis of merit.

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