Education for Every





DIKSHA (Digital Infrastructure for Knowledge Sharing) is a national platform for school education, an initiative of National Council for Education Research and Training (NCERT), Ministry of Education. DIKSHA was developed based on the core principles of open architecture, open access, open licensing diversity, choice and autonomy as outlined in the Strategy and Approach Paper for the National Teacher Platform released by the former Hon’ Minister for Human Resources Development Shri Prakash Javdekar in May, 2017. DIKSHA itself was launched by the Hon’ Vice President of India on Sept 5th, 2017 and has since been adopted by 35 states/UTs across as well as CBSE and NCERT and by crores of learners and teachers.

DIKSHA is built on open source technology, made in India and made for India, which incorporates internet scale technologies and enables several use-cases and solutions for teaching and learning. DIKSHA is built using MIT licensed open source technology called Sunbird, which is a digital infrastructure for learning and is designed to support multiple languages and solutions and offers over a 100 micro services as building blocks for the development of platforms and solutions.

DIKSHA, as mentioned earlier, is available for the use of all states and UTs of India. Each state/UT leverages the DIKSHA platform in its own way, as it has the freedom and choice to use the varied capabilities and solutions of the platform to design and run programs for their teachers and learners. DIKSHA policies and tools make it possible for the education ecosystem (educationist, experts, organisations, institutions - government, autonomous institutions, non-govt and private organisations) to participate, contribute and leverage a common platform to achieve learning goals at scale for the country.

DIKSHA can be accessed by learners and teachers across the country and currently supports 18+ languages and the various curricula of NCERT, CBSE and SCERTs across India. The platform is being leveraged and developed for school education, foundational learning programs and to support inclusive learning for underserved and differently-abled communities of learners and teachers.

In the context of COVID-19 related disruption of schooling, DIKSHA makes it possible for all states/UTs to enable learning/education at home through innovative state programs; hence leapfrogging the use of technology for the benefit of teachers and learners across India.

Elementary Teacher - Matters required for the development of training include participatory curriculum in which all stakeholders are involved. Criteria based curriculum planning.  Achieving this goal requires a long-term course.  

Where a four-year integrated bachelor's degree course or a two-year bachelor's degree course must be completed within the stipulated time frame, the five years it takes to prepare teacher mentors should also be taken into account.  In the interim, the current two-year D.A.  The model should be continued after completion of school and at the same time an effort should be made to improve and intensify the existing curriculum keeping in view the views on the future direction of education

Elementary Primary Teacher Training i Elementary Primary Teacher Training has a number of problems, such as being a separate course, and since it is not a degree course, it is considered non-important.  

Is consistent with (elementary education which is enshrined in the fundamental right and plays an important role in the development of the individual and the nation, although early primary teacher-training) is not taken seriously and its problems are placed in the general category along with other problems.  

The structure of the curriculum that has been developed so far is so general that it may not be useful to the primary teacher for the need of different stages of training.  .  The establishment of DIET after the National Education Policy (1986) was an important step in taking the issue of primary teacher-training to the national level.



Credit only Office Insurance organizations have tie-up game plans with an organization of emergency clinics in the country. On the off chance that 3 policyholder takes treatment in any of the net work emergency clinics, there is no requirement for the safeguarded individual to cover medical clinic bills. The Insurance Company, through its Third Party Administrator (TPA) will orchestrate direct installment to the Hospital. 

Costs past sub cutoff points recommended by the approach or things not covered under the strategy must be settled by the guaranteed direct to the Hospital. The protected can take treatment in a non-recorded medical clinic in which case he needs to take care of the bills first and afterward look for repayment from Insurance Co. There will be no credit only office material here. 

Extra Benefits and other independent approaches Insurance organizations offer different advantages as "Additional items" or riders. There are additionally remain solitary strategies that are intended to give benefits like "Emergency clinic Cash", "Basic Illness Benefits", "Careful Expense Benefits" and so forth These arrangements can either be taken independently or notwithstanding the hospitalization strategy.

BRC CRC BRP FLN મિશન અને શીખવા શીખવવાના સિદ્ધાંતોનો કોર્સ

BRC, CRC,BRP માટે FLN મિશન અંતર્ગત તાલીમ તા. 20/6/2022 થી તા. 15/7/2022

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કોર્સ 2

( 31 August સુધી માં પૂર્ણ કરવાનો) Course 2 Link:- CLICK HERE

Course purn karva paripatr date:- 19/07/2022

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