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In an article titled 'The Role of Youth in Modern India', Jawaharlal Nehru wrote: Thought without action is abortion.  Action without thought is foolish, meaning action without thought is futile and action without thought is foolish.

    This is a chosen truth.  The ladder of achievement can be the sir who implements Action with Thought.  Let's understand this elixir of life through a nice funny story.

      At the ripe old age of a king, he decided to hand over the throne to the most deserving kunwar in his lifetime.  Calling the three concubines, he says, ‘There is a beautiful princess in one of the two rooms at the end of the palace and a hungry lion in the other.  I will not say who is in which room.  You have to open the closed door of one of the two rooms without taking any weapon.  If the door of the hungry lion's room opens, the lion will swallow you, and if the door of the princess's room opens, it will accuse you and you will also get the throne. '

 Hearing this, it happened to a kunwar that what is to be done in this?  He took off to open the closed room door.  Thought without action.  When a door was opened, a hungry lion came out.  It is understandable what the result of that foolishness would be to act without thinking.

 The other prince began to think.  Which door should I open?  Open the door to the room on the right and it doesn't matter if the princess comes out, but if the lion comes out?  No, the door to the room on the left should be opened.  But there is a possibility of a lion coming out of it.  So what to do now  It's just sitting in such awkwardness.

 The third kunwar also thinks.  It is necessary to open the door of the room to get the throne.  If you live after opening the door of the room with the lion, you will get the throne.  Thinking so much, he asked the king for some time.  Learned martial arts like judo, karate etc. which can defeat the enemy without weapons.  Then he went to open the door.

 Now he would open the door of any room, the victory was in his hands.

China is a folklore of the country.

 A holy man has a dream one night.  In this dream, the angel takes him on a visit to heaven.

 As the angel is leading the holy man to a vast palace in heaven, he passes through one such room.  Where there are piles of various gifts from the ground floor to the ceiling.

 The holy man stops there and stares into the room.  He is amazed to see a variety of beautiful gifts from acre to acre.  Finally he asks the angel:

 Why are there so many beautiful gifts in this room?

 That beautiful angel stops there and sighs and explains to the holy man:

 ‘This is the room where we store up what people are praying for to get what they want, but unfortunately they still stop praying before we get what they want!

 We all like to serve dreams, but step by step in life we ​​are serving dreams of someone or something.  Shining career, prestige in society, prosperity in business, beautiful partner ...

 ... But the big flaw is that we don't stick to those dreams.  Instead, if we persevere in that dream and become positive about how it can come true, then we can achieve our desired achievement as told in the story of China described here.

Mahabharat episode 1।। Mahabharat ।। Mahabharat B R Chopra।।

Mahabharat episode 2.BR chopra mahabharat episode 2.

Mahabharat episode 3 .BR chopra mahabharat episode 3.

Mahabharat episode 4 .BR chopra mahabharat episode 4.

Mahabharat episode 5 .BR chopra mahabharat episode 5. Amba,Ambika,Ambalika.

Mahabharat episode 6. BR chopra mahabharat episode 6.

Mahabharat episode 7 . BR chopra mahabharat episode 7.

Mahabharat episode 8. BR chopra mahabharat episode 8. Pandu ne kiya madri se vivaah.

Mahabharat episode 9. BR chopra mahabharat episode 9. Pandu ko mila sarap.

Mahabharat episode 10. BR chopra mahabharat episode 10. Kansh ka atyachar.

MAHABHARAT episode 14

MAHABHARAT episode 15

MAHABHARAT episode 16

MAHABHARAT episode 17

Mahabharat episode 20 (B.R Chopra) | दुर्योधन ने पिलाया भीम को जहर | mahabharat 20 |mahabharat ep 20

Mahabharat episode 22 (BR Chopra) | अर्जुन की परीक्षा | mahabharat ep 22 | mahabharat 22

Mahabharat episode – 21(BR Chopra) | mahabharat ep 21| mahabharat stories | mahabharat 21

Mahabharat episode 24. BR Chopra mahabharat episode 24.

Mahabharat episode 25. BR Chopra mahabharat episode 25.

Mahabharat ep 26. BR Chopra mahabharat episode 26.

Mahabharat episode 27. BR chopra mahabharat episode 27.

Mahabharat episode 28.BR chopra mahabharat episode 28.

mahbharat episode 29 (BR Chopra) | mahabharat ep 29 | mahabharat 29 | episode 29 mahabharat

Mahabharat episode 30 (BR Chopra) | mahabharat ep 30 | mahabharat 30 | episode 30 mahabharat

महाभारत || Mahabharat || Episodes 31, 32, || B.R. Chopra || Bhakti Jagat

Mahabharat (BR Chopra) episode 32

Mahabharat (BR Chopra) Episode 33

Mahabharat (BR Chopra) episode 34

Mahabharat (BR Chopra) episode 35 | mahabharat episode 35 | mahabharat ep 35

Mahabharat (BR Chopra) episode 36

Mahabharat (BR Chopra) episode 37

Mahabharat (BR Chopra) episode 38

Mahabharat(BR Chopra) episode 39

Mahabharat(BR Chopra) episode 40 | mahabharat episode 40 | mahabharat ep 40 | mahabharat bhag 40

Mahabharat(BR Chopra) episode 42

Mahabharat(BR Chopra) episode 43

Mahabharat – Episode 44

Mahabharat(BR Chopra) episode 45

Mahabharat(BR Chopra) episode 46

Mahabharat(BR Chopra) episode 47

Mahabharat – Episode 48

mahabharat br chopra episode 49

Mahabharat 51|| गन्धर्वो ने दुर्योधन को क्यों कैद किया || Gandharvas Catch Duryodhan || B R Chopra

Mahabharat 52|| दिव्य अस्त्रों के लिए अर्जुन ने की इंद्र और शिव की आराधना|पशुपति अस्त्र|| B R Chopra

Mahabharat 53 || कृष्ण-चावल के बीज की कथा | भीम-घटोक्ध्वज मिलन | अर्जुन ने निर्त्य सिखा|| B R Chopra

Mahabharat 54 || उर्वशी ने क्यों दिया अर्जुन को नपुंसकता का श्राप | छोटा अभिमन्यु || B R Chopra

Mahabharat 55|| विषैला पानी और यक्ष | युवा अभिमन्यु || poisoned water and Yaksha, Abhimanyu is Big

Mahabharat 56||मत्स्य देश में अज्ञातवास || Agyatvas in Matsya desh||B R Chopra

Mahabharat 57||कर्ण की सपथ | कौन है कीचक||Karna’s curse, Sairandhri rejects Keechak||B R Chopra

Mahabharat 58 || कीचक वध || Kichak Vadh | kichak vadh mahabharat || B R Chopra

Mahabharat 59 || कौरवो का मत्स्य प्रदेश पर धावा || Kaurav attack Matsya desh || B R Chopra

Mahabharat 60 || विराट युद्ध | कौन है उत्तरा की गुडिया || Virat yudh, Uttara dolls || B R Chopra

Mahabharat 61 || अभिमन्यु विवाह | हस्तिनापुर दूत भेजा || Abhimanyu’s marriage Pandav send doot

Mahabharat 62 || धृतराष्ट्र ने संजय को भेजा || Dhritarashtra does not agree and sends Sanjay

Mahabharat 63|| कृष्ण और उनकी नारायणी सेना || Krishna and Narayani Sena || B R Chopra

Mahabharat 64|| कृष्ण शांति दूत बनकर हस्तिनापुर पहुंचे || Krishna goes to hastinapur as shanti doot

Mahabharat 65||विराट स्वरूप | कर्ण इंद्र ने कवच कुंडल वापस लिये|| Indra takes Karna’s kawach kundala

Mahabharat 66|| कर्ण ने की छुपने की कोशिस किन्तु नाकाम ||Karna’s Identity is disclosed || B R Chopra

Mahabharat 67|| विदुर का त्यागपत्र | कुंती कर्ण से मिली ||Vidur resigns as a PM, Kunti meets Karna

Mahabharat 68|| संजय की दिव्य दृष्टि|उल्लूक पांडव से मिला||Sanjay’s divyadrishti, Ulluk meet Pandavs

Mahabharat 69||शल्य कर्ण का सारथी बना || Shalya becomes Karna’s Sarath || B R Chopra

Mahabharat 70 || शिखंडी पिछले जन्म में कौन था || Shikhandi’s Story || B R Chopra

Mahabharat 71||अर्जुन ने क्यों किया दुर्गा का आह्वान | युद्ध के नियम क्या है || Arjun worships Durga

Mahabharat 72|| युद्ध प्रारम्भ | अर्जुन का बिमोह || War begins and Arjun drops his weapons, geeta

Mahabharat 74|| श्री गीता सार | भगवान विराट स्वरुप||Geeta Saar and Krishna Maha Avtaar || B R Chopra

Mahabharat 75|| युयुत्सु ने पाला बदला | अभिमन्यु युद्ध में भीष्म के सामने || Abhimanyu faces Bhishm

Mahabharat 76|| उत्तरा की मिर्त्यु, अर्जुन और भीष्म युद्ध|| Uttar dies, Arjun faces bhishma

Mahabharat 77||अर्जुन का तांडव, भीम को घेरा गया ||Arjun is unstoppable Bhim is surrounded

Mahabharat 78||16 कौरव धराशाही, भीष्म अर्जुन से क्यों मिले, ९वाँदिन|| Bhisma, Arjun talks||

Mahabharat 79||भीष्म सर सैय्या पर, भीष्म-कर्ण प्रषंग||Bhishma lies on the Bed of Arrows|| B R Chopra

Mahabharat 80|| ११वा दिन | द्रोण,युधिस्थर को परास्त करने में असफल||Dron tries to capture Yudhishthir

Mahabharat 81||चक्रव्यूह रचना और दुर्योधन का वचन ||Chakraview planned, Duryodhan promises Susharma

Mahabharat 82|| चक्रव्यूह में कैसे फंसा अभिमन्यु || Abhimanyu Vadh || B R Chopra

Mahabharat 83||क्या है अर्जुन की सपथ, जैन्तरथ कौन है  ||Arjun vows to kill Jayadrath

वास्तविक भारतवर्ष

Mahabharat 84||अर्जुन ने कैसे तोड़ा चक्रव्यूह जैन्त्रथ घबराया||Arjun break chakravyuh jayadrath penic

Mahabharat 84||अर्जुन ने कैसे तोड़ा चक्रव्यूह जैन्त्रथ घबराया||Arjun break chakravyuh jayadrath penic

Mahabharat 85||अर्जुन ने कैसे जैन्तरथ को मारा ||Jayadrath Vadh, how arjuna killed||B R Chopra

Mahabharat 86|| घटोत्कच की मिर्त्यु ||Ghatotkach dies|| B R Chopra

Mahabharat 87|| आचार्य द्रोण की मिर्त्यु || guru Drona Dies || B R Chopra

Mahabharat 88||दुशासन की मिर्त्यु, कर्ण-अर्जुन युद्ध|| Dushyasan dies Karna fights with Arjun|| B R

Mahabharat 89|| कैसे हुई कर्ण की मिर्त्यु || Karna Death || B R Chopra

Mahabharat 90 ||युधिस्टर ने महिलाओ को क्या श्राप दिया, दुर्योधन का बाहुबली शरीर ||B R Chopra

Mahabharat 91||भीम-दुर्योधन गदा युद्ध || Bhim duryodhan Gada Yudh || B R Chopra

Mahabharat 92||दुर्योधन वध,अस्वस्थामा, कृप,कृतवर्मा कैसे बच गये, परिक्षित कौन है || B R Chopra

Mahabharat 93|| भीम को क्यों मारना चाहते है धृतराष्ट्र कैसे हुए असफल ||B R Chopra

Mahabharat 94|| अंतिम धारावाहिक || B R Chopra

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