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Farmer asset insurance scheme

   Farmer asset insurance scheme


The Government of Gujarat has started the scheme of providing insurance cover to the account holder farmers of the state in case of accidental death / permanent disability from the auspicious day of 5th January, 19th. This scheme is 100% state government sponsored scheme. In this scheme, insurance premium is paid by the state government on behalf of all the account holders of the state. This scheme is being implemented under Gujarat Collective Group Janata Accident Insurance Scheme from 01/04/2009 through the Director of Insurance, Gandhinagar.


The main objective of this scheme is to provide financial assistance to the account holder farmer, any child (son / daughter) of the account holder farmer as well as his / her heir in case of accidental death or permanent disability of the account holder farmer's spouse.

Who can get help:

All account holders holding land in individual or joint name, any child (son / daughter) of the account holder farmer as well as in case of accidental death or permanent disability of the account holder's husband / wife aged 5 to 20 years are eligible for the scheme.

Main conditions

The deceased or permanently disabled person should be the account holder farmer (holding land in individual or joint name) or the account holder farmer's child (son / daughter) or the account holder farmer's spouse.

Death or permanent disability caused by accident.

Suicide or natural death is not included in the plan.

The age of the deceased or permanently disabled person should be between 6 to 70 years.

Application should be made in the office of the concerned District Agriculture Officer within 150 days.

Improved support standard

The following insurance assistance is available to the beneficiary from the amendment resolution of the Department of Agriculture, Farmer Welfare and Co-operation dated 16/11/2018.

In case of death due to accident or permanent total disability, 100% of Rs. 2.00 lakhs

In case of loss of two eyes / two limbs / arms and legs / one eye and one limb due to accident, 100% of Rs. 2.00 lakh (100% complete vision in case of eye, above the wrist in case of hand and completely above the knee in case of foot)

In case of loss of one eye or one limb due to accident, 50% of the article is Rs. 1.00 lakhs

The following persons will be the successors of the beneficiaries under the scheme.

I. Spouse: In their absence

II. His son / daughter: In his absence

III. His parents: in his absence

IV. His grandchildren: In the absence of the aforesaid I, II, III

V. Unmarried or widowed or abandoned sister living on and with the beneficiary

VI. Inheritors declared under the Inheritance Act applicable to the beneficiary concerned except in the above case and in the disputed case.

How to avail the benefits of this scheme

In case of accidental death, the heir of the account holder farmer and in case of accidental disability, the account holder farmer should submit the application in the prescribed form along with the following instrumental documents to the concerned District Agriculture Officer, District Panchayat within 150 days from the date of death. Applications received after 180 days will not be accepted.

List of documents required to attach a claim application:

Application of prescribed form for Accidental Death / Permanent Disability Insurance Assistance Appendix-1, 2, 3, 4 (A), 3, and 4

7/12, 3-A, Village Form No. 3 (Claim Form) (Certified Extracts after Date of Death)

P.M. Report

FIR, Punchnama Report, Police Inquiry Punchnama or Court Order

Death certificate of the deceased, proof of age

Report on case approval by subdivisional magistrate

Certificate showing final assessment of Medical Board / Civil Surgeon in case of permanent total disability and postcard size photograph showing disability

If the deceased was driving at the time of the accident, his valid driving license,

Warranty sheet


Original pedigree in case of heir (in case of spouse not heir)

As requested by the Director of Insurance

Significant improvements to the plan:

Group Accident Insurance Schemes run by different departments of the State have been consolidated with the resolution of the Finance Department dated 8.02.2009, which includes Accountant Farmer Accident Insurance Schemes. The scheme is being implemented through the Director of Insurance, Gandhinagar from 01/04/2009. A comprehensive resolution has been issued on 01.09.2018 by amending the resolution of the finance department dated 8.06.2009.

In addition to the account holder farmer, the first surviving child (son / daughter) of the account holder farmer and the husband / wife of the account holder farmer from 01.08.2017 were included in the account holder farmer accident insurance scheme by the state government.

With the amendment resolution of the Department of Agriculture, Farmers Welfare and Co-operation dated 17/11/2017 to increase the assistance standard in the account holder accident insurance scheme, to give benefit to any child (son / daughter) instead of the first surviving child of the account holder and the date of accidental death or permanent disability. It has been decided to include all the account holders farmers who have certified Paki note in the revenue record by this scheme.

Form and resolution

Click here to view Accountant Farmer Asset Insurance Scheme Resolutions.

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