Education for Every





Matter of organizing a parents' convention on the occasion of 15th August-31st Independence Day.  

Mr. on the above subject to state that in the year 2021-21 in the context of social awareness and public awareness, the citizens of the village, educators, parents of the children studying in the school will be aware, the more interested they are in the development of the school, the more vibrant and prosperous the school will be.  

Besides, all the children of the village will be sent to school regularly for education and will understand the necessity of confidential education.  

In GBV, it is mentioned above to organize the parents 'conference in the year 1-R, 

(1) the issues to be discussed in the parents' conference - different activities of the entire education took place.  ણા Consideration on school education WAITIK (Whole School Development Plain) and China, 


Dance Video Source : Youtube 

 School hygiene, tearlot clean as well as youthful Parsi discussion.  Admission regularity of children Quality of education, - Admission of out-of-school children in the age group of 8 to 12 years and special training program.  

* Children with special needs have difficulty in obtaining and using the equipment.  Contemplation of transport and escort facilities for yoga, planning, or drop out and kankhya education, 

* Gyankunj Project School of Excellence program discussion, - Cultural activities Consideration of recreational programs - Consideration for tree planting, water conservation, greens, commuter use.  (Who will be invited to the parents' conference. SMC / KM All the parents of the other children in the school, who are the elder leaders of the area, the same people in the role of the village, the village motivators and the educators with active personality.  

Gujarati Natak

Cost of activities in schools ... In the first session, all SMCs / KMCs have to plan to celebrate the parents' convention on the occasion of Independence Day on 15th August 2021, (2) school facilities. 

 I have Rs.100 / - major for documentation so that you have to spend Rs.100 / - per school in all government primary schools and in GBV.  D, P, MMOs and Governing Bodies are advised to take action in such a way that PFMs are credited to S.M.C / K, Prem, C. from Krishna level.  It is also believed that the members coming to the convention (Kiwid-1 ey guide line should be strictly followed.  

15મી ઓગસ્ટ અને 26મી જાન્યુઆરીમાં ઉપયોગી ઓલ ઇન વન માહિતી 


Effective digestion and monitoring will have to be done for them.  3. Documentation should be done keeping a detailed note of the guardian meeting and not asking for signatures in the visit book.  It will be interesting to see if the suggestions made at the parents' conference are implemented in the morning.  

3, the time of the parents' meeting will be suitable for the village leaders as well as the parents.  6. The Sheet of the Parents' Convention (District Integration Sheet) has been prepared and attached herewith, in which information is requested to be presented here.

Ek Patriy Abhinay

આપણાંમાના ઘણાં લોકો એ નહીં જાણતાં હોય કે 15 ઓગસ્ટ અને 26 જાન્યુઆરી એ જે રાષ્ટ્રધ્વજ કે તિરંગાને આપણે સલામી આપીએ છીએ એને આ બંને દિવસો પર અલગ અલગ રીતે ફરકાવવામાં આવે છે.

૧૫ ઑગસ્ટના દિવસે રાષ્ટ્રધ્વજને નીચેથી રસ્સી દ્વારા ખેંચીને ઉપર લઈ જવામાં આવે છે પછી ત્રિરંગો ખોલીને ફરકાવવામાં આવે છે, જેને #ધ્વજારોહણ' કહેવાય છે, જેના માટે અંગ્રેજીમાં #Flag_hoisting  શબ્દ વાપરવામાં આવે છે.

જ્યારે ૨૬ જાન્યુઆરીએ એટલે કે ગણતંત્ર દિવસના અવસર પર ઝંડો ઉપરથી જ બાંધેલો હોય છે, જેને ખોલીને ફરકાવવામાં આવે છે, જેને '#ઝંડો_ફરકાવવો' કહીએ છીએ, જેના માટે અંગ્રેજીમાં #Flag_unfluring.. શબ્દ વપરાય છે.



વાલી સંમેલન pdf  //  word file // EXCEL

આમંત્રણ પત્રિકા pdf

15 ઓગષ્ટ નારા

જન ગણ મન અધિનાયક ગીત 

ઝંડા ગીત

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