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Reliability of Corona Test

 Reliability of Corona Test: -

 (1) #Rapid_Antigen_Test (#RAT): -

 Take a swab sample from the throat and nose, put on a rapid test kit and give the result in 10 to 15 minutes.  Its sensitivity is 40% and specificity is 99%.  That is, if a positive test comes, the corona is considered confirmed.  But if a negative test comes, 60 out of 100 people will be those who, despite the infection, have not been caught in this test.  Therefore, if there are symptoms, it is necessary to do another test.  Due to the wide availability of test kits and the short time it takes to get the results, these tests are used in community screening.

(2) #RT_PCR: -

 The test is also done to take a swab from the throat and nose.  In a polymerase chain reaction test, a small portion of the virus can be identified in the form of a chain several times larger.  In this test, the amount of viral infection (viral load) in the body can be known from the CT value.  The sensitivity of this test is 70 to 75% and the specificity is 99%.  So if this test is positive, then so is Corona.  Even though 30 out of 100 people are infected, the test can be negative.  The result of this test is available in about 24 hours and is not useful in community screening as the test is expensive.  This test is performed especially in inpatients or ill patients

(3) #CT_Scan_of_Lung

 A CT scan machine can diagnose coronary artery disease with a special change caused by a corona infection in the lungs.  CT scans of the lungs from infection with corona or any other virus show an opaque transition of milky glass (# ground_glass_opacity) which is graded according to its severity and characteristic.  The higher the grade, the more likely it is to be corona.  Grade 1 or 2 indicates that corona is less likely to occur.  While grades 3 to 5 show a high probability of being corona.  The CT scan also shows which and what percentage of the lungs are infected.  The severity of the disease is considered to be 70 or 80% more than 30 or 40% of the lungs are infected.

 The sensitivity of this test is more than 95%.  (If the test is done 72 hours after the onset of symptoms) and the specificity is 50%.  This means that if a CT scan shows an infection, it is more likely that the corona is infected with another virus, such as swine flu. If a CT scan reports the same, then more than 90 out of 100 infected patients are considered suspicious corona.  CT scan also shows ground glass opacity.  CT scans are sure to make an accurate diagnosis if done at the right time (not too early).  However, as per government norms, #Remdesivir injections cannot be given only to patients undergoing CT scans, when the heterogeneity arises and their RTPCR report must be positive.


 Stay healthy સુરક્ષિત stay safe.

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