Education for Every



I feel happy to put in your hands such an attractive and children's literature issue of June, 2011 which is full of children's literature.  As you all know, 'Balsrishti' is a bridge between a child and children's literature.  The child's curiosity is natural, the credit for fulfilling that curiosity goes to Balsrishti. 

When the child is naturally inquisitive, the child likes it as well as introduces the child to the world of fantasy, jokes and all the creations in it.  Provided through 'Balsrishti'.  Children's literature and the like, along with the new preservation, informative literature of the flora and fauna around us, some useful literature, a group of all to eat the life events of dignitaries, that is, the captivating compelling issue of 'Balsrishti', we say that reading changes from seed to seed.  .  ‘Balsrishti’ has become like a beacon as the first step in making students think, reflect and create.  

બાલસૃષ્ટિ 2022

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'Balsrishti', full of children's literature, not only enriches children's thoughts, their curiosity and curiosity, but also proves the reading desire of many readers, along with 'Balsrishti'  Delivers to.  Send us feedback and suggestions on how to make the issue of 'Balsrishti' more poignant, interesting and creative.

 'Balsaaa' ... Tikhame ... 'Balshaa' was the seven Ajay to become Ajay, * Bapa, Tripan, Adventure Compa, UNisPal Corporation and Nagpal Yamin Science Story, Visit Bausches - Baby Aunt, Motivational Occasions, People, * My Greats Primary to eat in more copy, Marlower. I have chew, written in self-hospital government in self-hostage, self-study, in addition to saves, linguistic, seductive besides, sports, learning, in addition to the annual subscription of children, sports, learning. * The academic education Do not send in second cover, mammarar, 

per Van in the IR, the price of the price, "Director, Gujarat Kamakshi, Thaw, Bhagendus Distorative, State School Lessons Joova Sati -) Rajan is not a spin religion, • Keeping the part of the plan - a plan to drink. 'Personal grams or brides, money, monuments will not be sent to the unacceptable conch. Commit. In which the full address as well as Bokhaai T, * Talgol Netan Ku Fir, and Nanny Phone - No, and Nanny Phone-No., the day, the day of the FIN5 three do not do J6 J6, not in J6 J6. 


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• The champal idea of the "pointing 'to the 28th of the month of the month - the respect is considered to be considered by the 28th of the month. Bonn in Puppuragon! 

Mittal Patel Terminology 'Motu was sitting on the Ichka in the verandah in Moju Kyaranoy with his lower lip extended, swinging.  Sunmoon Sunmoon and just holding the chain.  Mom came and disappeared.  Gumsoom, no to say or no to explain, if Motubhai does not laugh or speak.  Listen, Morlo Tahukyo Toy doesn't listen, Kabar Bas Soonmoon ... Soonmoon and Gumsum .... Gumsum.  Kyaraniy kalbal - kalbal karti'ti, toy ne chheve ba aavya, aavatam j montene kahyu, - sabhale.  

Oh, even the chana of that cockroach is missing.  If you are gone, then when will you come and chin ... ch ... who is like Hanumanji.  "I started laughing. (R.Chi. Karta'ti, Toi Modubhai is Soonmoon ... Tanya Monfbhai is neither laughing nor speaking, just 'Sunmoon and Gumsum .... Gumam. Soonmoon ... Sunmoon and Gumsum.)  .. Gumsoom at that time Dad came out of the house. Nae looked at Chana Morne hidden in his palm sadly and said,  Gol, what does Jaldidhi do? If that dharya, Vicky, Meena is not happy and starts eating, I will eat. ”| Everybody calls you to play sometime.  Left hand

Turning around, he asked, "What happened, son?"  What happened to me?  "Letter Montrabhai is true one after another ..." Monte cried and cried.  Yes, Ray, and now all my friends, seeing me, I am making fun of all these mounds of clay and stones, ** 

I love the mango tree, so what happened to it?  He got the whole thing, smiling- stopped giving mangoes?  He smiled to give shade and said, “Ohoho!  So this is it, stopped me?  - These stones and tracks from above have a nice view of the arena.  Maurna's ears felt tired as he said this and my mouth got dirty and no one listened to me.  As Amba said, his own virtue is not an amulet.  After listening to Bani, you will make fun of me as much as you like. Montrabhai is happy and happy to be friends, I am not my virtue to play with Nashti, I will leave you all.  There may be religion and others just by seeing Morne coming in all the minor flaws, but sometimes joking friends started teasing him about someone's flaw, but it shouldn't be made.  

As if the wave had never heard anything, all the friends of Morney heard this and turned down and remained in a pile of stones and clay and all of them realized their mistake and started filling the piles.  The sack of stone swallowed and said, "Sorry, it was full of waves and heaps, so Motubhai, your words came to our minds and we reached the mango tree and that's it."  From now on, what is good in all of us, back to back!  - 

What's going on?  - I should try to see and never think of anyone's name, Meena and other friends.  Don't take it and blow it up.  "Going to the mango, the wave took out one by one the mounds of clay and the stone from the bag and started beating the mango tree violently.  Mautu was asked, "Alya Moju, she has been living for years after seeing this, what has Anne finally started doing?"  Not crazy

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Gujarat Council of Educational Research and Training (GCERT) is a pivotal institution at the state level for the enhancement of qualitative education at primary and secondary schools.

It was "State Institute of Education" before 1988. It was later upgraded as a SCERT in 1988, under the resolution of State Education Department. The upgraded SCERT, now named as Gujarat Council of Educational Research and Training (GCERT) is a fully structured State level academic institution and is controlled and guided by a Governing body as well as an Executive Committee.


2012 થી 2019

GCERT was shifted from Ahmedabad to Gandhinagar, the State Capital in 1997. State Education Department has allotted separate land for the GCERT for building in sector-12. Hence the GCERT has been functioning in the newly constructed building “VIDYABHAVAN” in sector-12 with modern infrastructure and latest equipment since 21st August, 2004 in view of the widening horizon.

Under the umbrella of GCERT, there are now 27 DIETs (District Institute of Education and Training) functional in 33 Districts. These DIETs impart pre-service and in-service training to the primary teachers of the State. There are seven branches namely Pre-service Teacher Education (PSTE), Work Experience (WE), District Resource Unit (DRU), Curriculum Material Development & Evaluation (CMDE), Educational Technology (ET), In-service Field interaction Innovation & Co-ordination (IFIC) and Planning & Management PM functioning in these DIETs. These DIETs are well equipped with qualified and experienced academic and administrative staff.

Teachers and headteachers of Government, Granted, KGBV, Ashram School, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Railway School, and Sainik School, as well as a private school, will be able to participate in this training.  Teachers will be able to join this training through.  As well as a video explaining how to login to the Nistha on Diksha course and how to fill out a self-declaration form

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