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To provide hassle free and convenient banking services to customer by leveraging technology, Bank has introduced Missed Call facility for Balance Inquiry. All customers who have registered their mobile number can get the balance of their accounts by just giving a missed call from their registered mobile number to : 8468001111

The call made to the above number will automatically disconnect after first ring. Customer will then receive an SMS giving the last four digit of account and current balance of accounts.

Main features of this facility are as under

  • This facility is free of cost.
  • This facility is available 24X7.
  • Balance of accounts under Saving Bank (SB), Current Account (CA), Overdraft (OD) and Cash Credit (CC) will be provided through this facility.
  • Customer may have more than one account with same mobile number. In that case SMS of maximum length of 320 characters (2 SMSs) will be sent to customers. For remaining accounts, customer can avail the SMS Banking Services or call our Contact Centre.
  • Customer can avail this facility maximum 3 times in a day


 Bank's endeavor to provide hassle free and convenient banking services to customer, Digital banking has enabled yet another customer centric service i.e. "Missed Call" facility for Mini Statement". By using this service, customers who have registered their mobile number, can get Mini Statement of their accounts by just giving a missed call from their registered mobile number to : 8468001122

Process flow of the facility are as under

  • Customer calls the above said numbers. System will disconnect the call after one ring and then validate that the call is from Registered Mobile Number of customer and forward the response SMS.
  • In case of multiple accounts with same mobile number, system checks whether customer has registered preferred account number. In case customer has not registered preferred account number, a SMS will be send to customer to register his preferred number to avail the account specific services.
  • Customer can registered preferred account number by sending a SMS "REG < Last 4 digit of account no." e.g. REG 0811 to 9176612303 (Normal Charges) or to 5616150 (Premium Charges). Customer can change preferred account number at any point of time by sending SMS to registered another account number as preferred account number.
  • In case of multiple accounts with same mobile number, if customer has not configured his/her preferred account then customer can avail only balance enquiry service.
  • In case the mobile number is not associated with any account under permitted scheme then no SMS will be sent to the customer.
  • TAT for the mini statement service would remain same as per the current arrangement.
  • This facility is available 24X7
  • Mini Statement will be available once in a day only.

Give a missed call from your Registered Mobile Number


8468 00 1111 for Account Balance

8468 00 1122 for Mini Statement

SMS facility for simple and easy to use banking facility for the information based banking service like Balance Enquiry, Mini statement or status on a cheque and many more.

SMS to 8422009988 as detailed below.

Salient features of the product are, as under:

  • It provides various services like Balance Enquiry, Mini statement or status of a cheque and many more.
  • Customers having their mobile number already registered in CBS can avail this service, no separate registration is required.
  • Customers of our Bank can avail the services by sending SMS from their registered mobile number on 8422009988 with message as under. Charges applicable for this service for each SMS sent by the customer.
FunctionSMS text
Balance EnquiryBAL < space > Last 4 digit of account number
e.g. if account number is 17610400000811 type:
BAL 0811
Mini StatementMINI < space > Last 4 digit of account number
e.g. if account number is 17610400000811 type:
MIN 0811
Registration of Preferred account number – If more than one account is linked with the same mobile number and customer want to avail Mini Statement service through missed call serviceREG < space > Last 4 digit of account no
e.g. if account number is 17610400000811 type:
REG 0811
Cheque StatusCHEQ < space > Last 4 digit of account number < space > Cheque No.
e.g. if account number is 17610400000811 and cheque number is 006789 type:
Cheq 0811 006789
Un-subscribing SMS alert facilityDEACT < space > Last 4 digit of account number
e.g. if account number is 17610400000811 type:
DEACT 0811
Subscribing SMS alert facility (for A/c where customer had unsubscribed the facility earlier) ACT < space > Last 4 digit of account number
e.g. if account number is 17610400000811 type:
ACT 0811
Subscribing SMS alert facility (for A/c where customer had unsubscribed the facility earlier)ACT < space > Last 4 digit of account number
e.g. if account number is 17610400000811 type:
ACT 0811

Debit Card Blocking

FunctionSMS text
Customer remembers his Debit Card NumberBLOCK < space > C < space > last 4 digits of Card No.
e.g. to block card number 4029851234567890 type:
BLOCK C 7890
Customer remembers his Account NumberBLOCK < space > A < space > last 4 digit of A/c No.
e.g.: To block the cards attached to account number 17610400000811 type:
BLOCK A 0811
If multiple cards are linked with the corresponding account number and Customer ID (where mobile no. is registered), then customer will receive SMS for list of active cards attached to that account Customer will have to initiate the hotlisting once again with the card number intended.
Customer does not remember his debit card /account numberBLOCK < space > ALL
Based on request received from registered mobile number all the cards attached to the corresponding Customer ID of mobile number will be blocked.
To know the different option available for card blockingBLOCK < space > HELP
Customer will get following message through SMS:
BLOCK < C > < Last 4 digit Card No. > or
BLOCK < A > < Last 4 digit Account No. > or
PMJDY OD request through SMSODREQ < space > Y
Enrollment for Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY)PMSBY < space > Nominee name < space > Y
e.g. if nominee name is Neelam type
PMSBY Neelam Y
Enrollment for Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojna (PMJJBY)PMJJBY < space > Nominee name < space > Y
e.g. if nominee name is Neelam type
To link Aadhaar with Bank accountUID < space > 12 digits Aadhaar Number < space > last 4 digit of account number
e.g. if Aadhaar number is 1234567890123 and account number is 176104000000811
UID 1234567890123 0811
To receive transactional SMS alerts in preferred languageLANG< space >LANGUAGE CODE
Language Code – Hindi – HIN, Assamese-ASM, Bengali-BEN, Gujarati-GUJ, Kannada – KAN, Malayalam – MAL, Marathi – MAR, Oriya – ORI, Punjabi – PAN, Tamil – TAM, Telugu – TEL, Urdu – URD
e.g. to receive transactional SMS in Punjabi type:

Just give a Missed Call for Micro Insurance

DIAL 8468001133 FOR PMJJBY

DIAL 8468001144 FOR PMSBY

Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY)

    • One year Term Life Insurance Scheme, renewable from year to year (1st June to 31st May), offering life insurance cover for death due to any reason.
    • Eligibility- Saving’s bank account holders in the age 18 to 50 years, extended up to 55 years if insurance availed before attaining age of 50 years.
    • Insurance Cover - Rs. 2 lakhs is payable on a subscriber’s death due to any reason.
    • Premium: Renewal of policy from next year payable @ Rs. 330/- per annum but payment of pro rata premium for enrolment under PMJJBY will be charged as per the following 
  • Bank’s Insurance Partner - IndiaFirst Life Insurance Company Ltd.

Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY)

  • One year Accidental Insurance Scheme, renewable from year to year (1st June to 31st May) through auto debit facility, offering accidental cover on a subscriber’s death or disability due to accident.
  • Eligibility - Savings bank account holders in the age 18 to 70 years in participating banks will be entitled to join.
  • Insurance Cover - Rs.2 lakhs is payable on a subscriber’s death or disability due to accident. In case of partial disability Rs.1/- lakh.
  • Premium - Rs.12/-per annum per subscriber.
  • Bank’s Insurance Partner - National Insurance Company Ltd
  • rates:
  • S.No.Enrollment PeriodApplicable Premium
    1June, July, AugustAnnual Premium of Rs.330/-
    2September, October & November3 quarters of premium @Rs.86 i.e. Rs.258/-
    3December ,January & February2 quarters of premium @Rs.86 i.e. Rs.172/-
    4March, April & May1 quarter premium i.e. Rs.86/-

Enrollment Forms

The application is so designed that upon receiving the request from the customers, system will fetch the account numbers in which the sender’s mobile is registered and if the last four digits of such accounts match with the last four digits received in the message, the response to the request will be sent back to the sender’s number.

In case the last four digits of account number do not match with four digits sent by the customer, appropriate error message will be sent back to the sender’s mobile number, provided the mobile number is registered. In case the sender’s mobile number is not registered, no response will be sent back.

Important:-For better result always use google cromeNote:-Please Always Check and Conform Above Details with The Official Website and Advertisement / Notification.

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